The Production of Dried Tea in the Value-Added Products Sector

Tea-drinking culture, which originated in China, has spread globally and remains a daily ritual for many. Over the years, tea consumption patterns have evolved, yet the love for this beverage persists.

Evolution of Ready-to-Drink Tea

In 1908, a tea merchant in New York unexpectedly discovered the convenience of ready-to-drink tea packages. These dried tea packages, easily transported, have become a staple, packaged in paper, cotton, and silk bags.

Process of Making Dried Tea

Producing dried tea involves several systematic steps:

  1. Withering
  2. Rolling
  3. Fermentation or Oxidation
  4. Drying
  5. Cutting and Sifting
  6. Packaging

Advanced Tea Pack Manufacturing Machinery

At Super Seven Stars Industrial Development Company Limited, we enhance productivity with world-class machines that meet international standards. Our machines simplify the production of dried tea and tea-related food products.

Tea Pack Manufacturing Process

A tea pack manufacturing machine converts raw tea leaves into packaged tea bags ready for distribution through the following steps:

  1. Feeding and Dosing
    • Raw Material Feeding: Bulk tea leaves are fed into the machine hopper.
    • Dosing System: Ensures the correct amount of tea leaves are measured and dispensed into the tea bags using volumetric or gravimetric methods.
  2. Bag Forming
    • Bag Forming Roll: A roll of filter paper is fed into the machine.
    • Forming the Bag: The filter paper is folded, cut, and sealed to create a pouch.
  3. Filling
    • Tea Filling: Measured tea leaves are dispensed into the formed tea bag, ensuring uniformity.
  4. Sealing
    • Heat Sealing: The top of the tea bag is sealed using heat or ultrasonic sealing.
    • Thread and Tag Attachment: For tea bags with strings, a thread and tag are attached using a knotting mechanism or heat-sealing.
  5. Cutting
    • Cutting the Bags: The continuous strip of filled and sealed tea bags is cut into individual units.
  6. Packaging
    • Primary Packaging: Individual tea bags are wrapped in a protective envelope or foil.
    • Secondary Packaging: Wrapped tea bags are packed into boxes or cartons.
  7. Coding and Printing
    • Date and Batch Coding: Batch numbers, manufacturing dates, and expiry dates are printed on the tea bags or packaging.
  8. Quality Control
    • Weight Check: Ensures each tea bag has the correct weight.
    • Visual Inspection: Automated systems inspect for proper sealing and uniform filling.
  9. Output and Collection
    • Collection: Finished tea bags are collected for further packaging or direct distribution.
  10. Maintenance and Cleaning
  • Regular Maintenance: Ensures the machine is clean and well-maintained for smooth operation and to prevent contamination.

Super Seven Stars Industrial Development Co., Ltd. provides high-tech machinery and support for entrepreneurs interested in starting or upgrading their tea-related products. For more information, please contact our Hotline at 09-940844255 or email us at

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